since the start of the recession youth unemployment has been public policy
enemy number 1. Politicians and commentators of all persuasions warn of a ‘lost
generation’ unless action is taken. It’s therefore good news that the number of
unemployed 16-24 year olds has fallen below 1 million, with young people
accounting for almost the entire fall of 49,000 in total unemployment between
July and September as reported yesterday by the Office for National Statistics.
Yet while this is the headline news, just as interesting is what is happening
at the opposite end of the age-employment spectrum, with the over-50s taking
the lion’s share of new jobs.
number of people in paid work has increased by more than 500,000 in the past
year, remarkable for an economy struggling to recover from a double dip
recession. But it’s also remarkable that the over-50s account for half this
rise. A generation ago older people tended to exit the labour market in their
droves in tough times. Now they are flooding in at such a rapid rate that even a
big annual rise in employment for this age group cut the number of them
unemployed and seeking work by only 15,000.
trend partly reflects what economists call supply side factors. Some older
people aspire to work later in life to make use of their skills and experience,
while others have to keep working because anticipated retirement incomes are
being squeezed by a combination of low interest rates and stubbornly high price
inflation. But older people have taken advantage of demand side factors too.
Businesses have of late mostly been hiring part-time or temporary employees and
self-employed contract staff. Jobs like these may require experience but
generally provide low or time limited incomes. Such jobs can’t generally be
filled by inexperienced youths and rarely pay enough to attract people in the
prime of their life. But they are often suitable
for older people with savings or a retirement income to top up a meagre wage.
might be taken to suggest that older people have fared relatively well during
the recession. However, older people themselves don’t normally take such a
sanguine view. Age discrimination in recruitment still remains a big problem
for older jobseekers, while many find that the types of jobs that are on offer,
though better than nothing, don’t always make proper use of their skills.
Moreover, few provide opportunities for further skills development. Despite the
rise in employment of older workers, most employer provided training and
government provided training support continues to be heavily concentrated on
the young.
risk therefore is that older workers will become ghettoised into marginal jobs
which make work in later life a struggle rather than a source of fulfilment.
More jobs for older workers might be viewed as good news story given the
obvious plight of the young unemployed but we shouldn’t ignore what lies
beneath the headline statistics. We need better as well as more work for the
over-50s, and in particular put more emphasis on their learning and skills
development needs.
Philpott is Director of The Jobs Economist, an independent consultancy. Between
2000 and 2012 he was Chief Economic Adviser to the Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development (CIPD).
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